Hinged Secondary Double Glazing
About Hinged Secondary Double Glazing
Hinged Secondary windows allow full and easy access to the outer window. They are neat and unobtrusive with no transoms or mullions to impede the view and will generally provide higher levels of security. This style of secondary glazing is also appropriate for doors.
A strong hinged secondary system designed for the treatment of larger windows and doors and also for treating sizeable double hung sash windows with a single leaf when conservation considerations make sight lines critical. Bead options for thicker glass or sealed units allows for higher acoustic insulation, better levels of security and enhanced thermal insulation. When specifying it is important to ensure clearance for blinds, curtain tracks and ceiling bulkheads. a heavy duty system designed to treat large windows and doors and through use of thicker glass or sealed units, provide higher levels of acoustic insulation or security.
An extremely strong security rated hinged casement system designed for buildings requiring enhanced protection both against blast and intruder. It is also suitable for treating very large windows and doors. When specifying it is important to ensure clearance for blinds, curtain tracks and ceiling bulkheads. a high security system offering resistance against intruder attack or blast. It can also treat ‘monumental’ sized doors and windows and will accept sealed units for optimum thermal insulation.
Useful for treating windows where new sightlines are undesirable, for example a double-hung sash window in a listed property.
Treats single or double doors. The double casements have no central mullion and so permit full width access.
High compression seals will optimise noise insulation and also minimise airflow in locations such as laboratories where pressure differences have to be maintained.
Full access is provided for window cleaning/maintenance. Standard multipoint locking improves security.
Ceiling bulkheads and upstand details will prevent hinging.
Introduction of a transom to combine the casement with another window style can overcome this problem. Sprung stays can be specified to allow windows to be restricted to 100mm opening.