Anti-Condensation Double Glazing
About Anti-Condensation Double Glazing
The global move to more demanding environmental and legislative requirements has increased the popularity of glass which provides high level thermal insulation whilst at the same time reducing the amount of heat lost through the window. A result of this highly efficient thermal insulation is that it is possible for condensation (dew) to occur on the outer pane of the glass, particularly in the spring and autumn months. Anti-condensation Glass is designed to delay the onset of condensation on glazing and hence improve the view through the window.
How does it work:
External condensation is a natural phenomenon which occurs when the external surface temperature of the glass drops below the dew point *. The occurrence of external condensation on windows is proof that the Insulating Glass Unit The low-e coating on Anti-condensation Glass works by keeping the temperature of the external surface warmer. It is designed to delay and, in many cases, prevent the onset of external condensation on Insulating Glass Units (IGUs) and reduces the number of days of the year on which external condensation appears.